Sunday, 27 February 2011

Evaluation of Campaign

Now that we have finished this unit of our creative and media course, I can reflect on how successful I feel I was. I believe that our campaign was unsucessful, with the reason being lack of preperation and time, I do believe this is partly down to the way it was first taught to us, as many of us felt it was not quite clear enough on what our aims were and what we were supposed to achieve. I don't believe it was a correct campaign to aim at teenagers because many of them are not interested in donating to charity, and although our campaign was also about changing this view, it's an aim a little out of our reach. I think that if we had aimed our campaign at perhaps, older citizens in the town, then we would of got a better response and gained more donations for our charity. If i did the same campaign again, I would aim it at a different audience, promote more, get more people involved and generally be better organised in distributing it. Although our campaign as a whole was unsuccessful, I think I have learnt and reflected from that, giving myself any recomendations for the future.

Campaign Brief

At the start of this unit, we were asked to begin to research various campaigns and comment on the message behind the campaign, the target audience, how they reach this audience, and the success of the campaign. After looking at other campaigns, we were asked to get in to small groups and create a hypothetical campaign to do with an existing campaign of our choice to help prepare and practise for the final campaign we would create. We were then asked to arrange a meeting with a local charity shop, in which we would discuss and gather information for our campaign.

The task we were given was to create a charity campaign to improve the quality of donations local charity shops recieve. We created posters to put around school, created a TIE performance and a workshop to perform at a local first school and wrote emails to be sent to staff.

Our final task was the performance/workshop at the local first school and to write about and reflect on the success of our campaign.