Our campaign is going to be helping charity shops gain better donations and featuring on the struggle they go through to gain sellable and half decent donations, whether it is clothes, shoes, jewellery, toys or general bric-a-brac.

We will be basing our campaign on this television show, we will be working alongside a charity shop in the local town of Wymondham, and encourage people to donate more fashionable and better quality clothes. The 'vintage' fashion is very 'in' at the moment, and alongside with the ongoing recession, more and more young people are becoming interested in getting quality but cheap clothing.
For our campaign will we be creating a poster, leaflet, television advertisment and a radio advertisment to encourage young people aged between 13 and 20 to donate to charity and make it more appealing for our age group.
Clear analysis of original stimulus material to get group thinking about charity shops and donating. There was some grim viewing and statistics but this is what makes this such an interesting campaign to pursue.