Tuesday, 23 November 2010

LO4: Donations

New Poster Design, aimed at teachers
Last Tuesday, we planned to have a donation stand at lunch in our school hall, but due to lack of time and preperation, we were unable to properly advertise it, and the only awareness we raised of it was putting up posters around the school. This was ovbiously not effective enough, and as a result of that we recieved no donations. We decided to widen our target audience, and are now creating posters, leaflets, letters and emails to send out to staff aswell as to send to forms to make students aware. We hope that this will encourage more donations, and as a result of that, create a more successful campaign.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Theatre in Education

On November the 30th, we will be doing a performance to a local first school, Browick Road. This is called Theatre in Education or 'TIE'. TIE is a different approach to learning where children can learn through theatre rather than by textbook and whiteboard. Our performance will be aimed at 6 and 7 year olds and will be an easy to understand performance about neglected toys being donated to charity. On September the 28th, we watched the 'Tiny Giant Theatre Company' perform a TIE play to teach us about seatbelt safety, in a way that was aimed at 13, 14, 15 year olds. It got it's message across well, although i felt it was slightly patronising.

Video Journals

On the 2nd of November, Jackie Heffer-Cooke, the creative director of Surfing Cow Productions came in to talk to us about Video Journals, she has had 12 years experience in the television industry therefore also told us how we can get into that industry and what sort of jobs are available. She told us about what each job involves and what each person can expect to do in an average working day.

Video Journals
What do you need to make one?
  • An Idea
  • Creativity
  • A Format
  • A Plan
  • A video camera
What makes a good interview?
  • Challenging
  • Revealing
  • Evocative
  • Provocative
  • Emotional
  • Engaging
I found what she talked, although boring at times, very helpful, and it gave me more idea of what people expect of a video journal.

Following the talk she gave us, we were given around 15 minutes to produce a quick interview of our own. I was in a group with Cathy and Freya, with Cathy being the interviewer, Freya being the interviewee whilst I filmed. 

Click HERE to watch the video.